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12 ounces.

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Q: What is the mass of a twelve ounces of a diet Pepsi can?
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What is the relationship between mass and volume of sugar soda and diet soda?

I remember in 8th grade we did an experiement with this. Get an empty fish aquarium and fill it with water. Get a can pepsi, and a can diet pepsi. Drop both in at the same time. Which One Floats? The diet will. The Pepsi will sink tot he bottom. So there is a big difference.

When a can of Pepsi and diet Pepsi are dropped in a tank of room temperature water why does diet Pepsi float and Pepsi doesn't?

Because the high sugar content in regular coke makes it more dense. Diet sodas in general are less dense because the artificial sweetener used is much much sweeter than sugar, and so it is not necessary to add nearly as much (about 10 times less). So diet sodas are less dense than regular soda, and a can of diet soda will float in water but not regular.

What unit would you use to measure the mass of a soup can?

Ounces (Avoirdupois ounces, not fluid ounces. Fluid ounces measure volume, not mass.)

A loaf of bread has a mass of 24 ounces What is this mass in kg?

24 ounces = 0.680388555 kilograms

What is the mass of a can of Pepsi in grams?

None. Pepsi contains no oil or any ingredient containing fat.

Mass of a pencil?


What is the density of Diet Pepsi?

Do you have a teaspoon of it, a cup, a liter, a gallon? A soda truck full of it? A substance's weight depends upon how much of it you have. Perhaps you wish to know its density, that is, its mass (or weight) per unit volume. As it turns out, the density of Pepsi is just about the same as water, which is one kilogram per liter, or 8.34 pounds per gallon.

Converting kale from grams to ounces?

Divide the mass, in ounces, by 28.35.

What a gain of 12 ounces?

It is an increase in mass equivalent to 12 ounces.

How many fluid ounces are in a pound?

Fluid ounces are not to be confused with ounces (mass). Pound is a measure of weight or mass. 1 ounce (mass) is approximately 28.35 grams.Fluid ounces are a volume measure, equal to approximately 29.57 milliliters.The only relation between mass and volume, would be if you have a specific substance of known density.

How many kgs is equivalent to 5 ounces?

On earth, an object that weighs 5 ounces has a mass of 0.1417 kg. On the moon, an object that weighs 5 ounces has a mass of 0.8682 kg.

How many ounces is 120-140 grams?

4.23 - 4.93 ounces mass