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Q: What is the max recommended amount of nutrients per day?
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there is no max. the more the better

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WHO (World Health Organization) recommend max. 5 g NaCl/day.

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The usual stated maximal allowable amount of saturated fat (not an RDA, because actually no amounts of saturated fat is to be recommended) for men or women is 20% of daily fat intake, or about 15-20 grams max per day.

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the max amount you can have is 12 characters good luck :)

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The max amount for IM injection is 2.0 ml for older children. The max amount for IM injections for younger children and children with a compromised immune system is 1.0 ml.

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It is a reference to the recommended max capacity (number of people) and/or max weight. It is usually not a good idea to surpass this number, as it can cause damage to whatever vehicle you are using.

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Well if you are talking about sunbathing then about 2-3 hours max x

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