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388-- There are 538 votes and every state and DC gets a least three, so if every state but one got just three votes, that would leave 388 for the special state where practically everybody lives.

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Q: What is the maximum number of electoral votes a state could have if no new states are added?
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Related questions

Why does the number of electoral votes in Florida differ from the number of representatives?

Every states gets two votes for its two senators, added to the votes for its representatives. Florida has 27 representatives and two senators and so gets 29 electoral votes.

How many presidential elector does each state have?

Each state has the number of electors in the Electoral College that equals the total number of US Senators added to the Representatives in the House from that state. If state A has 23 Representatives and 2 Senators (all states have two Senators) then state A would have 25 electoral votes (electors) on the Electoral College.

How could the total number of electoral votes go up?

The total would be increased if new states were added to the union. It could also be increased by constitutional amendment.

Do the number of electoral votes change?

The total is not likely to change unless new states are added. However, the number of votes assigned to each state changes very 10 years when congressional seats are re-apportioned as a result of the new census.

Which president saw the most states added to the union?

Benjamin Harrison holds the record with six states added to the union while he was President. The states added were N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Idaho, Washington, Montana and Wyoming. ( Even though Harrison won 16 of the 20 electoral votes from the new states in 1892, he still lost the election. )

What was the number of states before Alaska and Hawaii were added?

There were 48 other states.

What two numbers added together determine the number of electors a state receives?

Each state is allowed a specific amount of electoral votes. The amount of electoral votes provided to the state can be determined by adding the amount of congressmen with the amount of senators the state has.

Which vote matters more popular vote or electoral vote?

The electoral vote is the one that determines who becomes president, so that one probably matters more if you care who wins. There is actually no legal reason for calculating the national popular vote; it is merely a courtesy to the curious. The popular vote matters only on the state level (for choosing most of the electors) and the district level (for choosing five of the electors in two states). That is why the popular vote does not exist for many of the elections before every state started using the popular vote as its method for choosing its electors.

What number state was AZ when it was added to the union?

48 (last of the contiguous states)

What amendment added 3 electors to the electoral college in 1961?

The 23rd Amendment added 3 electors to the Electoral College in 1961. It granted the residents of Washington, D.C. the right to vote in presidential elections and be represented in the Electoral College. Prior to this amendment, residents of D.C. did not have the ability to participate in the presidential election process.

What were the last two states added to the Union?

Alaska and Hawaii brought the total number of states to 50.

The Property of addition states the the number can be added in any order and the sum will be the same?

associative property