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It depeds on the manufaturer. If you want to look for it on the pakage.

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Q: What is the maximum size of a water balloon?
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Does cold weather affect maximum balloon inflation size?


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Will a balloon filled with water change shape or size when frozen?

If a balloon were completely filled with water, with no extra space, then it will change shape and/or size as the water is frozen. This is because water expands at a rate of 9% when frozen.

Does the temperature affect the maximum size you can inflate a balloon?

yes, because the cooler it gets the slower the particles go in a balloon, so it gets smaller.

What is a good sixth grade science fair project?

testing if temperature affects the maximum size of the inflation of a balloon

Does the size of a water balloon affect whether it breaks?

the more water the easier it breaks

How much does a water balloon weigh?

it depends on the size

Does temperature affect the maximum size that you can inflate a balloon?

When the temperature is colder the particles in the balloon travel slower, making the balloon not able to increase in size it decreases.When the temperature is hot it allows the balloon to expand because the particles in the balloon are moving rapidly. in conclusion the the cold makes the balloon decrease in size and the heat allows it to expand.

How much water would it take to fill a balloon?

It depends on the size of the balloon. If it's a small balloon, about a half gallon will due. If it's a larger balloon, about a gallon or so. Now, if it's a very small weak balloon, about 1/2 quarter gallon should do it.

Is a cannon ball more or less dense than a water balloon the same size?

less dense

Why does balloons pop?

when blowing a balloon, the balloon will pop after the maximum pressure allowed by the composition of the balloon e.g. (rubber, plastic and alluminum) is exceeded.

Does a balloon float or sink on water and why?

a balloon float on water