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Q: What is the maximum speed on an autobahn?
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What is the speed limit on the autobahn?

Germany's autobahn has no speed limit as long as you are not near a city.there isn't one

What is the autobahn and what country is it?

the autobahn is an interstate without speed limits. it is located in Dubai

What major European country's highways have no speed limits?

Germany has the Autobahn there is no speed limit on the Autobahn. It is Germany's version of a freeway.

What is the speed on the German autobahn?

Officially there is no general speed limit on the Autobahn, but over the years more and more speed restrictions have been imposed on certain stretches. Depending on the time of day the can be as low as 80kmh (50mph), 100kmh (62.5mph), (120kmh) 75mph. There is how ever a "Richtgeschwindigkeit" (recommended maximum speed) which is 130 kph (81mph). See link below for more information.

What is so unique about the autobahn?

There is no speed limit.

Why is the autobahn so unique?

No speed limit, I guess.

What is the name of the highway in Germany that has no speed limit?

The Autobahn

Which expressway does not have speed limits?

Parts of the German Autobahn do not have posted speed limits.

What is the speed limit on a highways in Germany?

highways, or autobahn, in Germany have no speed limits Not true. Some sections of the autobahn, I believe 3/4, have what is considered lifted restriction areas. This means limitations on passing, speed, Ect.. Even driving in a no limit zone you are recommended to not exceed 130KPH(81MPH). In certain cases where car crashes happen and fatalities are the result they will deem a driver in excess of the recommended speed at fault. The Transportpolizei will also ticket you if you are not driving within the limitations of certain circumstances like weather and vehicle type. Although they are generally lenient, they will take action if they feel you are endangering your life or the lives of those around you. I have driven extensively throughout Europe and lived in Germany for 3 years. There certainly are speed limits in Germany. I got two speeding tickets to prove it. The autobahn does not have a maximum speed but they do have a minimum speed. I can't remember if the minimum speed is 60 KPH or 100 KPH but every other road, other than the autobahn, has a maximum speed limit.

What is the speed on an autobahn?

I think it should be 130 km/h

What road is in UK that you can go any speed?

The road is called "autobahn."

What is the autobahn and why is it unque?

The Autobahn is comparable to a highway or freeway. It connects the cities all over Germany. It is unique since there are parts without speed limit.