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they are taking over the world.

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Q: What is the meaning if you have a visitor frog inside your home and living with you?
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Related questions

How could you tell if frogspawn are dead?

Well, actually a frog egg is not living. But, the creature inside it can be. You know when a frog inside of a frog egg is dead when the egg turns brown.

Does a bull frog have a exoskeleton or a exoskeleton?

endoskeleton- bones on the inside of it's body, as opposed to plates or skeletal structure on the outside.

What is the difference between pig and the frog?

A dog is a mammal (meaning live birth), and a frog is an amphibian (living first part of their life in water, then progressing to land).

Is a frog's heart red?

A frog's heart is blue when it is inside of the frog. If the blood inside the heart oxidizes, the heart will be red.

Does a frog have a skeleton on the inside or outside of its body?

On the inside.

Is frog a noun verb or adjective?

Frog is a noun, a living thing, an amphibian. The word is also used as a verb meaning to catch frogs (e.g. frogging). It is notan adjective,as it is used with other nouns as a noun adjunct (e.g. frog legs, frog sounds).

What is a frog that is made up of stone?

a non-living stone frog

What adaptation does a young baby frog have for breathing air?

A young baby frog is a tadpole. A tadpole is adapted to live in water. For breathing, it has gills, which helps it remain inside water until it grows up to become a frog. Gill are breathing organs of fish also, and the mode of living of a tadpole is similar to that of a fish. When it becomes a frog, it is capable of breathing both in air and in water. For breathing in air, a frog develops lungs and for breathing inside water the skin is used.

What is the difference and similarities in the inside nostrils between frog and human?

The similaries is that they both are living things,and the difference is human can talk,think,.....also the humans are smarter

Is a frog a bilateral?

Yes, a frog is bilateral on the external parts. On the inside, however, they are not symmetrical.

What is the Indian meaning of frog?


What do the frog and tree have in common?

They are both living.