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Q: What is the meaning of Its edges yawning at your heels?
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What does pandiculation mean?

Yawning and stretching (as when first waking up) that is the meaning of Pandiculate

Who do some people smack twice after yawning. Meaning like smack their lips?

People smack twice before yawning because when you smack it brings up some of the air you need to yawn.

To kick up your heels is a figure of speech meaning to what?

"To kick up your heels!" is to celebrate. Get up and do something.

Why is yawning not contagious to people with autism?

Yawning is not a disease.

Is yawning rude?

if rude and yawning are defined as such i don't see any reason why the act of yawning be rude. yawning is physiologic. would urinating and defecating be rude also?

What type of literary device is head over heels?

Head over heels is an idiom because the meaning does not match what the words are saying.

Why is the expression head over heels versus heels over head?

The phrase emerged in the 14th century as "heels over head", which is more literally accurate, as "head over heels" is the more standard state of being. "Heels over head" evolved into "head over heels" in common use departing its literal meaning, probably for reasons of phrasal elegance.

When one student is yawning why do all the others start yawning?

The cause in not know.

Can yawning make you sick?

Yawning too much can prove to be fatal. My aunt didn't sleep for a week, kept yawning, and died. You're in trouble

What is the meaning of standing on the balls of your feet?

Lifting your heels. Either slightly, so as to be unnoticeable, or right up as though in spiked high heels. But not on "pointe" as in ballet.

What is one word meaning worn at the edges?


What is the benefit in yawning?

Yawning is actually putting out (?) the stress in your body, so it is a good thang...