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The meaning of a semicolon is to separate TWO complete thoughts.....

" . . . a punctuation mark used to separate two parts of a compound sentence when they are not connected by a conjunction."

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Q: What is the meaning of a semicolon?
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How many spaces do you put after a semicolon?

When using a semicolon you put one space after the semicolon.

What is the Tagalog of semicolon?

The Tagalog translation of "semicolon" is "tuldík-katig."

Does and go before or after a semicolon?

A conjunction like "and" should typically come before a semicolon, following the first independent clause and before connecting it to the next independent clause.

A sentence with the word semicolon?

I can give you several sentences.You use a semicolon to separate two clauses.A semicolon is like a comma with a period on top of it.You need to learn how to use the semicolon properly.

What are linking marks?

semicolon, comma, colon...

Which symbol is used as a statement terminator in C?

semicolon ';' (Not applicable for block-statements)

Can you put a semicolon before and?

Yes; a semicolon is not typically used before the conjunction "and" in a sentence; it is more commonly used to separate independent clauses.

Where would it be appropriate to put a semicolon?

A semicolon is appropriate to separate two closely related independent clauses without a conjunction, to join two independent clauses that are closely related in meaning, or to separate items in a complex list where the individual items contain commas.

How are a comma and a semicolon different?

a comma (,) is used to separate parts of a sentence and indicates a slight pause when reading/speaking. a semicolon (;) is used to separate main clauses and indicates a longer pause than a comma. A semicolon also separates items in a listing, when one or more of the items contains a comma.

What does a semi colon do in a sentence?

A semicolon is used to connect two independent clauses that are closely related in meaning; it is a stronger break than a comma but not as strong as a period. Additionally, a semicolon may be used to separate items in a list when those items contain commas.

When do you use a semicolon in algebra?

Well, according to what I learned when I was in Algebra I, you should never have to use a semicolon.

Which punctuation change will correct this sentence Todays test will cover the following punctuation marks the comma the semicolon and the colon?

add a comma after the semicolon.