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Q: What is the meaning of injunction in labor strike?
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The Pullman strike of 1894 ended when the Federal government issued an injunction to end it.

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The pullman strike of 1894 ended when?

The Pullman strike of 1894 ended when the Federal government issued an injunction to end it.

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It stopped the strike

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It is Spanish for "Strike" (e.g. Labor strike)

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The federal government responded to the Pullman Strike by using troops to control the striking workers. Later, Labor Day was designated as an official holiday in an effort to conciliate the organized labor movement.

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The Secretary of Labor

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That's what caused the strike.

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The first labor strike to end with the president intervening on behalf of the workers was the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. President Rutherford B. Hayes sent federal troops to quell the strike and ordered the strikers to disperse, effectively ending the strike. This marked a turning point in labor relations in the United States and demonstrated the government's willingness to intervene in labor disputes.

Who is responsible for settling a strike?

The Executive Branch.