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"Smell like a rose" isn't an idiom because it means just what it looks like it means. You are comparing someone's smell to that of a rose. Comparisons with AS or LIKE are Similes.

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Q: What is the meaning of smell like a rose as an idiom?
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What does the Idiom smells like a rose mean?

The idiom "smells like a rose" means that something appears favorable or promising, similar to the pleasant scent of a rose. It suggests that a situation is likely to turn out well or is free from any issues.

Does stink and smell have the same meaning?

No Smell is what you do when you inhale and "Smell" a rose or a steak on the BBQ or something nasty. Stink is a nasty odour that you can smell

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they smell like roses and taste like roses

Why do your farts smell like a rose garden?

Many rose growers like to dig well-rotted manure into their rose beds.

How do you use primrose in a sentence?

i like the smell of prim rose

Why people like rose?

because they are the flowers that smell the nicest

Which has a more pleasant smell a sunflower a rose?

Preference, I personally dislike the smell of roses - Where as I quite like the smell of sunflowers.

What does the idiom 'Come up smelling like a rose' mean?

Imagine someone smelling like a rose -- this phrase means that no matter what the person does, the "stink" of doing bad things never seems to stick to them, and they "smell" good all the time to the people in charge. If your coworker never gets caught stealing office supplies, you might say "he's a thief, but he always comes up smelling like a rose."

What does rose's smell like?

In general, the rose smell is very rich and warm.The fragrance varies depending on the kind of rose. Ex: The English Rose and The Alexander Mackenzie Rose smell completely different. Some are potent, some are ephemeral. Even on the same plant, the fragrance can vary from one flower to another in strength and tone.Unfortunately, many roses are bred to have no smell at all.

What does a dying rose tattoo symbolize?

A dying rose means that life is beautiful but short like a flower. Roses are still beautiful and doesnt lose its smell or beauty een after death. A dying rose is a symbol of life that still has meaning and beauty even till after death.

Word used by Shakespeare meaning north wind?

'A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet'

What does rock n rose perfume smell like?

it smells amazing for some and bad for other