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It is the movement of water in soil.

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Q: What is the meaning of soil water flow?
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What is the meaning of salinisation?

The accumulation of soluble mineral salts near the surface of soil, usually caused by the capillary flow of water from saline ground water.

How does water flow through soil?

yo mamas soil grows fastest

What is through flow in the water cycle?

through flow is when infiltrated water moves through soil to the sea.

Through what part of the soil does water flow?


What is the relationship between the spaces between particles in soil and the flow of water through soil?

In general the larger the pore space (the higher the porosity) the easier it is for water to flow through it (it is more permeable).

What is the rate at which water will flow or pass through soil?


What happens when soil block the flow of water though soil?

The soil is at "field capacity". In other words the capillary spaces are already full of water to the surface, hence no more water can be absorbed.

What is the difference between surface runoff and through flow?

Throughflow is the tranfer of water through th soil. Surface runoff is the transfer of water where the soil is impermeable so the transfer of water is on top of the soil.

What is the meaning of dry density of soil?

It means the density of the soil when it is dry e.g. there is no water

What is the difference between throughflow and groundwater flow?

Through flow is the horizontal movement of water through the soil zone. Groundwater flow is the movement of water through the bedrock, which is typically an aquifer

Does water flow faster through soil or stalagmite?

Yes because it travels faster