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if you mean "what does it mean, it means "mass, or heap."

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This is a Latin word, meaning "with"

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Q: What is the meaning of the Greek or Latin root cum?
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Is psychology Latin or Greek?

It is derived from the Latin cognoscere, which is from cum "with, together" and gnoscere, "to come to know, to learn about". Gnoscere (which appears as noscerein Classical Latin, having lost its initial g-) is from the Proto-Indo-European root *gno-, which is the source of English "know" and Greek gnosis.

What is Latin or Greek roots for the word compose?

From latin "Componere", (past: compositus); fromed by "cum" (with) and "ponere" (to put), so the meaning of compose" is "to put together".

What is the Greek or Latin root meaning of super?

"Super" is a Latin adverb and preposition that means "over, above, on the top of, in addition, during" and is also used as a prefix to verbs ("supermitto" (to throw over, from super + mitto). It is a cognate of the Greek word "hyper." Many Greek words that have an 'h' (aspiration) at the beginning of a word will have an 's' in Latin or English (cf. septem (Latin), seven (English), hepta (Greek)) In Latin "super" did not tend to have a meaning of intensification. Latin had other words to show intensity, like the prefix "con" (from the preposition "cum," which mostly means "with"), and "per"( cf. "suadeo" (to urge), "persuadeo" (to persuade)). Some authors liked adding intensive prefixes, or diminutives, with little change of meaning, but mostly these prefixes were intensive in meaning.

What is a word with root con in it?

With is the English equivalent of the Latin root 'con-'. The root syllable 'con-' is a form of 'com' and of 'cum'. The two words are known origins of the preposition 'cum', which means 'with'.

How do you say cum in Latin?

Cum is a Latin word meaning 'with'. It can also mean 'when' if it is in a cum clause with an indirect statement.

Does convergence have a greek root?

Yes, "convergence" has a Greek root derived from the word "convergere," which combines the prefix "con-" (together) and the verb "vergere" (to incline). "Convergere" means to incline or come together, which captures the idea of objects or ideas meeting at a common point.

What does the Greek and Latin root co mean?

The 'Latin' source for English 'prefixes' is usually "cum," which means "with" as a preposition (thus magna cum laude), and can have several nuances as a prefix such as 'together,' 'combined,' or similar senses that indicate a connection or completion. Greek is not the same language as Latin. I am unaware of any 'co' root word, but Indo-European linguists may be able to help on that is a shortened form of the prefix com-. There are other forms depending on the following sound, for example con- before 'g' as in congress or 's' as in constitute, col- before 'l' as in colleague, cor- before 'r' as in corrupt, and so on. These all derive from a Proto-Indo-European root *kom- meaning "beside, near, by" which also shows up in the German prefix ge-.

Did the word company come from the Latin root to share wine?

No, the word "company" does not come from the Latin root to share wine. It comes from the Late Latin word "companio," meaning "one who eats bread with another," which evolved into the Old French word "compagnie" before entering English.

What is the origin of collaborate?

Co-, cum-, col- are related prefixes meaning together. Laborare is Latin for to work.

What is the Latin word for with?

there are 2 words "cum" and "apud"

What does the term cum inflation refer to?

"Cum" is a Latin word which means "with".

What three-word Latin phrase meaning with highest praise or honor represents the highest academic honor granted to a graduate?

Highest praise or academic honor in latin is, "summa cum laude." Typically there are three levels of honors. Indicated below are the honors from lowest to highest in Latin.Cum LaudeMagna Cum LaudeSumma Cum Laude (highest praise)