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It's a phrase.  It means, "....nothing to do with that little Black guy."

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Q: What is the meaning of the Spanish words nada que ver con ese negrito?
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Who came up with the word de nada?

The words are Spanish meaning 'of nothing' or in contemporary English 'you are welcome'

How do you tell in spanish its my pleasure?

You will probably hear the words 'de nada' meaning 'you are welcome'. Or 'Es Mi Pleaseure'

What meaning in spanish 'you are welcome'?

¡Por nada!¡De nada! ¡No es nada! ¡No hay de qué! ¡De qué!

What spanish words that start with D?

Delfín (dolphin) Dado (dice) Desayuno (breakfast) Ducha (shower)

What is the opposite meaning of the spanish word siempre?

The opposite of the Spanish word "siempre" is "nunca," which means "never" in English.

How do you spell the word in spanish that means nothing?

The word for "nothing" in Spanish is "nada." It is pronounced, "NAH-dah." Sites such as provide audio pronunciations of many common Spanish words.

What does 'no nada' mean in Spanish?

The English equivalent of the Spanish phrase 'no, nada' is the following: no [thank you], nothing [for me]. The word-by-word translation is the following: 'no' means 'no'; and 'nada' means 'nothing'. And it's the exact same use, and meaning, in Portuguese.

What is the meaning of denara in spanish?

The correct expression is "de nada" and it means "you are welcome".

What is the English translation of 'nada grande'?

'Nada grande' is a phrase from the Portuguese and Spanish languages. The word-by-word translation of the phrase is nothing, which is the meaning of 'nada'; and big, or great, which is the meaning of 'grande'. There are interpretations other than the literal. But they depend upon the situation.

What is de nada mean?

The English equivalents of the Portuguese and Spanish words 'te' and 'nada' are the following: 'te', which is the direct object form of the second person pronoun, is 'you'; and 'nada', which is the third person form of the verb 'nadar', is '[he/she/it] swims'. But the verb doesn't take a direct object in Portuguese, or in Spanish. And so the phrase instead must be 'de nada', which may be an answer to being thanked. For it's the equivalent of the English 'You're welcome', 'No problem', 'It's no problem', or 'Don't mention it'.

How do you say its nothing in Spanish?

es nada or de nada

What is nada in English?

Nada is the Spanish word for "nothing"