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Eu Means Before Karyo Means Your

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2d ago

"Eu" means true or good, while "karyo" refers to the nucleus of a cell. When combined, "eukaryote" refers to organisms with cells that have a true nucleus enclosed within a membrane.

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Q: What is the meaning of the word parts of eu and karyo?
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What is the meaning of the word parts eu and karyo and how can these word meaning help you understand what a eukaryotic cell is?

They have to eat to get the photosynthesis to survive thats what it means.

What is the meaning of the word parts EU and karyo and how can these word meanings help you understand what a eukaryotic cell is?

They have to eat to get the photosynthesis to survive thats what it means.

In the word eukaryote what does the prefix eu stand for?

Eu stands for true and karyo stands for nucleus. This can be used to help remember the difference between a eukaryote and a prokaryote. The pro in prokaryote stands for before and again karyo stands for nulceus. So prokaryotic cells come before the eukaryotic cells. And Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus while prokaryotic cells DO NOT have a nucleus.

What kind of nucleus does a eukaryotic cell have?

The eukaryotic cell has a nucleus that is bound by a membrane. Most of the organelles in this type of cell have membranes. The word itself means eu- new and karyo- means nut (nucleus). Prokaryote are older cells and have no membrane bound organelles. Pro- means before and karyo means nut (nucleus). So "before" the" nut" and "new nut".

What does the prefix eu mean?

The prefix eu- means good, well, normal, happy, pleasing. Also, pleasant and improvement. Derived from the Greek word meaning one's lot or fortune.

What is the meaning of EU?

The EU stands for the European Union.

What is the English Translation of the Brazilian word EU?

I (am) Eu sou Me too ( Eu também)

What is the meaning of Eu falo em português?

It means "I speak Portuguese" in English.

How do you say 'I am Not' in Portuguese?

Eu não sou - for "am" meaning something not temporary Eu não estou - for "am" meaning something temporary Examples: Eu não sou mulher - I'm not woman Eu não estou cansado - I'm not tired.

What does the word EU in the world stand for?

Full from of EU is European Union

What is the origin of the word euphony?

The word "euphony" originated from the Greek word "euphōnia," which is a combination of "eu" meaning "well" or "good," and "phonē" meaning "sound" or "voice." It refers to the quality of pleasant and melodious sounds in language or music.

What is the meaning of Eu te quero in English?

Eu te quero = I love you