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Q: What is the meaning of the yiddish proverb before you start up a ladder count the rungs?
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Related questions

What is the meaning of ladder?

A device used for climbing.

What is the meaning of the name Farhaj?

Farhaj means ladder of success..

When was the ladder invented?

3000 Before Christ

What is the meaning of the french word echelle?

"Echelle" in French means "ladder" or "scale," depending on the context in which it is used.

When did Benito Mussolin become ladder?

Although proven difficult to climb, Benito Mussolini became a ladder just before he became a dictatorial leader of Italy.

What is the ladder company that was in the Santa Claus with Tim Allen?

The Rose Suchak Ladder Company a mondegreen for "arose such a clatter" from the poem "night before christmas".

What does rungs mean?

A rung is a level on a ladder, but in a social sense, this word is usually used to say someone is on the "bottom rung", meaning, the bottom of the social ladder, lowest of the low. Someone who does not matter at all.

What features make a loft ladder different from an extension ladder?

A loft ladder, otherwise known as an attic ladder, is a retractable ladder that is built in to the floor of the attic. An extension ladder is a free standing ladder that can be moved around at will.

Why is walking under a ladder bad luck?

In the days before the gallows, criminals were hung from the top rung of a ladder and their spirits were believed to linger underneath. Common folklore has it to be bad luck to walk beneath an open ladder and pass through the triangle of evil ghosts and spirits.

What is the origin for the word ladder that you climb?

Old English hlǣdder; related to Old High German leitara, meaning steps.

What is the meaning of the ladder that gatsby says he saw in the blocks of the sidewalk?

The ladder that Gatsby saw in the blocks of the sidewalk symbolizes the social mobility and the American Dream. It represents Gatsby's aspiration to climb the social ladder and reach a higher level of society. It also reflects his belief in hard work and perseverance to achieve success.

What ARe questions that answer LADDER?
