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Q: What is the meaning of this it is impossible to talk of human existence which is detached from a bodily existence?
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What is the medical term meaning discomfort in digestion?

Malaise is a general term for bodily discomfort.

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Well, it's the same as ours. To stay alive... don't you think?

Is injury an adverb?

No, it is not. It is a noun, meaning harm or bodily damage. It is a noun form of the verb to injure (to harm).

The belief in reincarnation meaning rebirth of the soul into another bodily form was introduced into the Aryan culture.?


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An organic mental disorder or organic mental illness is one that is caused by bodily disease. For instance, syphilitic insanity is an organic mental disorder.

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Science explains that bodily excrement keeps the solar system in order through the quantum theory of photonic teleportation because of the need to excrete bodily functions. This then explains the reason for the existence of two things: -Puppies -Breasts

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A bodily inscription refers to any form of physical marking on the body, such as tattoos, scars, or birthmarks. These inscriptions can hold personal, cultural, or symbolic meanings for individuals.

When did people started to poop?

People have been defecating since the existence of humanity. The exact timeline is unclear, but it is a basic bodily function that has been essential for survival since the beginning.

Is there such thing as a cap on bodily injury in the amount of 10000 when the person has hit and killed a pedestrian?

all policys (liability portions) have a 'limit' for instance on bodily injury, (other coverages as well) for instance a 100/300k bodily injury limit meaning PER ACCIDENT no more than 100k per person, 300k per accident..........