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Inductive Reasoning

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Fredrick Jerde

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2y ago
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Q: What is the method of reasoning that involves using specific facts to a form a conclusion?
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Logical reasoning is the use of?

a specific method to come to a conclusion based on facts or assumptions.Logical reasoning entails the use of formal deduction, that is, induction and abduction.

What is deductive analysis?

Deductive analysis is a method of reasoning that involves making specific conclusions based on general principles or theories. It starts with a hypothesis and then tests it against available evidence in order to reach a logical conclusion. This approach is commonly used in mathematics, philosophy, and scientific research to establish relationships between ideas.

What is a method of proceeding from facts to a conclusion?

it ic called deduction

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Syllogism is a two step method of reasoning which has 2 premises and a conclusion. People use syllogisms to facilitate an argument through logical reasoning.

What is difference between inductive theory and deductive theory?

Inductive theory involves forming general principles based on specific observations, moving from specific instances to broader conclusions. Deductive theory involves applying general principles to specific situations, moving from general concepts to specific predictions or explanations. Essentially, inductive reasoning builds from observation to theory, while deductive reasoning applies theory to specific situations.

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Not a specific person, but men with good hands and good reasoning

What is the difference between inductive an deductive method?

Inductive reasoning involves making general conclusions based on specific observations or evidence. Deductive reasoning starts with a general principle or hypothesis and applies it to specific cases to reach a conclusion. Inductive reasoning moves from specific to general, while deductive reasoning moves from general to specific.

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Compare normative deductive and inductive approaches to theory formulation which approach is more useful in theory construction?

Normative deductive approaches start with a general theory and apply it to specific cases, while inductive approaches start with observations and work towards general principles. Normative deductive approaches are more useful in theory construction as they allow for testing and refinement of theories based on observable data, whereas inductive approaches may lead to biased generalizations.

Compare normative deductive and inductive approaches to theory formulation which approach is more useful in theory construction-?

Normative deductive approach starts with a theory and uses deduction to derive hypotheses, while inductive approach starts with observations and uses induction to formulate a theory. The deductive approach is useful when researchers have a strong theoretical foundation and want to test specific hypotheses, while the inductive approach is useful when exploring new areas where little theory exists. The usefulness of each approach depends on the research question and context.