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Q: What is the method used to remove black algae from pools walls side and bottom?
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What do you do if your pool has green algae and black algae spots?

If it is genuine 'black algae' it is very difficult to remove without emptying the pool and gouging the black algae out of the pool surface. Other algae can be removed by shocking the pool, filtering continuously and brushing walls while maintaining a good sanitizer level.

Will power-washing remove Black Algae from a Gunite pool?

Probably not. Since "Black algae" has a crusty layer over it you will need to use something abrasive to break open the spores. Get a product that says "for black algae" We usually increase the chlorine levels too (if no one is using the pool)

If black algae developed in your pool liner at the end of the summer and brushing and chemical treatment did not seem to help should you replace your liner?

how can i remove algae from my pool liner, I have treated the water but algae remains on my liner

How do you remove dark stains from the bottom of a swimming pool that are getting bigger day by day?

For marcite or plaster finish - Acid Wash. Google "acid wash" . Also Pumice stone will srub off black or green algae.

What do Siamese algae eaters look like?

They have a black line through their body and the top half is light brown and the bottom half is creamy.

What are some other kinds of fish that goldfish can live with happily?

Try bottom cleaners, algae eaters, black moors, and guppies for sure.

How do you unlock a 1994 cutlass supreme radio?

you just have to get out the 2 black bolt at the bottom of the radio "rack"... there is only 2 black bolt to remove... at the bottom... thx

What kind of algae grow in pools?

pool algae...YUCK!!!! it's algae basiclly and it grows FAST!!!!!!! Basiclly the picture tells all. The pool became green and don't imagine swimming in it!!! This is echosong101lol speaking to the person who wrote this^^^^^ Pool algae is not that bad you know.Its nature.To be honest, I wouldn't mind swimming in it.(I would just want goggles)!!

What is the largest brown algae?

Some of the types of algae are staghorn algae, black brush or beard algae, green spot algae, and green thread hair algae. Other types of algae are green water algae, and black green algae.

What is black alge IN A POOL?

Black Algae grows in small spots generally up to about 40mm in size. It grows on pool surfaces and is very difficult to remove as it forms in layers when extra chlorine is added to kill it only the top layer is effected and the rest stays as good as new. Black algae can be found in bathrooms between tiles and silicone seals, aquariums on the glass, and in the ocean. Black algae is the toughest algae to get rid of and is very resistant to chlorine.

Is black algae a bacteria?


How do algae eater babies look?

They look like tiny black specks about the size of your pinky finger. The normally swim around on the bottom, just like their mom would.