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A-G, H-O, and P-Z

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Q: What is the middle of the alphabet when splitting the first initial of the last name?
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What is the middle initial of George Washington?

George Washington did not have a middle name so no middle initial exists for the first US President.

In the comic Doonesbury what was Doonesburys first name and middle initial?

His name is Michael Doonesbury. I don't recall ever hearing is middle initial.

How do you write Esq using the last name first with middle initial?

To write Esq with the last name first and middle initial, it would be formatted as follows: "Last Name, First Name Middle Initial, Esq." For example, "Doe, John A., Esq."

Which ancient Middle Eastern people create the first alphabet?

The Ancient Egyptians created a 24 consonant alphabet by 2700 BCE.

How can you personalize the freshwater pearl pendant set?

You can either put your first, middle, and last initials, or you can put your first initial, your husband's first initial, and your new last initial that you will share as a married couple.

What is a Middle East desert with the first initial S?

The Sinai Desert

Does a signature have to have a middle initial?

No, signatures typically have only two; the first and last.

Who developed the first alphabet?

It is generally held to be the invention of a Semitic people in the middle east about 1800 B.C. It was spread by the Phoenicians and the Greek alphabet was derived from it.

How did the alphabet get started?

First, cunieform was created. It was made in an area in the middle east (Mesopotamia) which is now in Iraq. Then new languages developed like Phoenic and the Greek alphabet. Now, we have the Engllish alphabet!

Where do you get the word alphabet?

the word alphabet came from in the early middle ages by the pioneers The Greeks borrowed their alphabet from the Phonecians. They Greeks changed the writing system to fit their needs. They called their first letter alpha and their second lettter beta! Boom! Alphabet!

How should you list your name with your middle initial?

first name, Last Name, say for eg: Nikita is my First name & S is my Initial. how should my name be listed? Is it NIKITA.S or S.NIKITA

What is the middle letter of the alphabet?

k is the middle number n is the letter in the middle of the alphabet. M and N together are the middle of the alphabet. There are 26 letters; M is the 13th so it ends the first half, and N begins the second half.