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The chemical formula of the Kevlar polymer is C14H10N2O2; 14 Carbons, 10 Hydrogens, 2 Nitrogens and 2 Oxygens.

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13y ago
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2w ago

Kevlar, a synthetic polymer, has a linear molecular structure composed of repeating units of benzene rings and amide groups. These units are connected by peptide bonds, resulting in a strong and rigid arrangement that gives Kevlar its exceptional strength and durability.

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12y ago


(Terephthalic dichloride) + (p-pheylene-diamine)


Toly ( p-phenylene terephthalamide )

which is (Kevlar)

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Charlotte Nagy

Lvl 1
2y ago
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Charlotte Nagy

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2y ago
i didn't have a clue

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14y ago

C14N2O2H10 i think

A Jouques

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15y ago

The individual polymer strands of Kevlar are held together by hydrogen bonds that form between the groups of adjacent chains.

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11y ago

i dont know figure itout bobo

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Q: What is the molecular structure of Kevlar?
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Is Kevlar crystalline polycrystalline or amorphous?

Kevlar is a crystalline polymer, meaning its molecular structure is highly ordered and aligned. This gives Kevlar its exceptional strength and toughness, making it a widely used material in applications requiring high tensile strength.

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Kevlar(R) is the registered trademark for a para-aramid synthetic polymere fiber.Its structure can best be seen at 'Related links' just below this answer page.

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Kevlar is a type of aramid fiber known for its high strength and heat resistance, commonly used in body armor and protective gear. PE, or polyethylene, is a type of thermoplastic polymer that is also used in body armor due to its high strength and light weight. The main difference is in their molecular structure and manufacturing process, with Kevlar being more heat resistant and PE being lighter.

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The two monomers that form Kevlar are 1,4-phenylenediamine and terephthaloyl chloride. These monomers undergo a condensation polymerization reaction to form the long, stiff molecular chains characteristic of Kevlar.

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What substances are in kevlar?

Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen Molecular formula [-CO-C6H4-CO-NH-C6H4-NH-]n

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