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The pale lagers that most people are familiar with fall in the range of 4-6% alcohol by volume, with a typical average of 5%. Lagers are cold-brewed beers. Because the low temperature reduces the activity of the yeasts that produce the alcohol, lager is not a high content beer.

Because yeasts do not survive when the alcohol content rises above about 20%, that is the practical upper limit in beers, although certain processes can raise it to about 30%. Further increases would have to be accomplished by distillation, and the result would no longer be beer.

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What is an alcoholic beverage starting with L?

Lager, Liebfraumilch, light beer, liqueur, and London dry gin.

Was Abraham Lincoln an alcoholic?

No, normally Abraham Lincoln did not drink alcohol, at all; if so, it was on rare occasions. A friend of Lincoln's once said Lincoln did drink lager beer, for an extended duration, though the consumption of the lager was actually the result of a physician's advice. The friend reported, "my impression is that he had run down from cold or something and needed building up, and was told to drink lager. He did drink it for quite a while, and that is about the only thing I know that he ever drank."

Can you buy cold lager from retailers?

Yes, many of the smaller retailers such as Co-Op, Spar and fuel stations have lager and other drinks stored in refrigerated displays. The larger supermarkets do not usually sell chilled alcoholic drinks.

What are Australia's traditional drinks?

Beer - lager - is commonly considered the traditional alcoholic drink of Australia. (VB) Victoria Bitter is a good place to start.

What happens when an alka- seltzer effervescent tablet is placed into cordial?

The third most disgusting alcoholic beverage ever.

What alcoholic beverage does England drink?

Beer, lager, wine, gin, whisky, brandy, rum, and a whole lot of other drinks. Almost anything, in fact.

Is there a such thing as non- alcoholic beer?

Yes, it is simply beer without any alcohol. Most brewers have a line of non-alcoholic beers. Some of the most common are: Kalibre O'Doul's Sharp's Anything marked N/A in the name

What is an Irish lager?

An Irish lager is a beer

What has more acid Guinness or lager?


Can you buy lager in paphos Cyprus?

Yes, you can buy all kinds of different lager beers in Cyprus including locally brewed Keo and Leon (a dark lager). It's available in bottles, cans and from the pump. You may find that most Cypriots have a preference for Carlsberg lager which is also brewed here in Cyprus. Keo lager can be purchased in small kiosks (periptero), supermarkets and even Macdonalds!