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Q: What is the most frequently used pronoun in the English language?
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The second most common letter in the English language is "e." It is found in many common words and occurs frequently in everyday writing.

What is the second most frequently used letter in the English language?

The twelve most common letters, in order, are ETAOINSHRDLU. (This is why Wheel of Fortune gives RSTLN and E.)

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Spanish is the most frequently spoken foreign language in the US.

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English and French are the top two languages used in Canada, the third most frequently used spoken language is languages of Chinese decent.

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"Mandrin" the Chinese language is the frequently used language in the world .

What is the most frequently spoken word in America?

It is difficult to determine the single most frequently spoken word in America as it can vary depending on context and location. However, common words like "the," "and," "you," and "I" are likely among the most frequently spoken words.

What is the second most used consonant in the English language?

I'm just guessin' here, but I would say "N" There used to be a nonsense word that typographers sometimes used, "ETOAIN SHRDLU", which is the approximate order of frequency of the twelve most commonly appearing letters in the English language.