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The most commonly used word in English is the word 'the'.

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Q: What is the most frequently used word in the English language?
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The most frequently used letter in the Finnish language would be the letter "A".

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It is difficult to determine the single most frequently spoken word in America as it can vary depending on context and location. However, common words like "the," "and," "you," and "I" are likely among the most frequently spoken words.

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Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, with over a billion native speakers.

What is the third most frequently used letter in English?

"A" is the 3rd most frequently used letter. "T" is 2nd, and "E" is 1st. The least frequently used letter is "Z."

Which kind of adjective is used most frequently in ordinary speech or writing?

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English is by far the most used language on the internet.

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"Mandrin" the Chinese language is the frequently used language in the world .

What is Second language?

Generally "second language" refers to a second language someone can speak, ie: My first language is English, my second language is Spanish. Also, it can be used to let people know that one particular language is NOT your first, or best known. ie: English as a second language. Meaning your most fluent language is German, or Spanish or French, but you are learning English. Might help to get a more thorough answer if you used a sentence as an example, let us know how "Second Language" is used.