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E is the most frequently repeated letter in the English alphabet.

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Q: What is the most repeatable alphabet in English Language?
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Which is the most comonly used alphabet in the british lanugage?

The Latin alphabet for English is the ONLY alphabet used in the British language.

What is the most commonly letter used in English?

"e" is the most often used letter of the alphabet in the English language.

Is the Spanish alphabet different from the English alphabet?

yes it is. English is one the hardest language to learn in the world. it has the longest alphabet in the world meaning it has the most words. (crossed out the part that is not true.)

What is the language with the smallest number of alphabets?

The language with the smallest alphabet is Rotokas, a language spoken in Papua New Guinea, with only 12 letters.

What language has an alphabet with 75 letters?

There is no language that has 75 alphabets. Most languages only have 1 alphabet.

Is there a phonetic grouping of letters in the English alphabet?

yes there is you are most common to find in in a university library in the English language section, i am studying it for a-level it is ver complicated

What is the most used alphabet in the English language?

the English letter frequency sequence is "ETAON RISHD LFCMU GYPWB VKXJQ Z", the most common letter pairs are "TH HE AN RE ER IN ON AT ND ST ES EN OF TE ED OR TI HI AS TO", and the most common doubled letters are "LL EE SS OO TT FF RR NN PP CC".

Which language has the most letters in its alphabet?

The language with the most letters in its alphabet is Khmer, the official language of Cambodia. It has 74 letters in its alphabet.

Which language has second most letters in its alphabet?


What is the definition of high level language?

As far as the military is concerned, a High Level Language are those that are most distant from English. (For example, Korean is different from English in ways such as written alphabet, grammatical patterns, and sentence structure, so it is in the highest language category the military has.)

Which language is most similar to English?

The language which is most similar to English is Dutch.

What is the second most often used letter in the English alphabet?

The first most often used letter in the English language is "e". The second most often used letter in the English languages is "t". However, there are other languages that use the same alphabet. In French, the most commonly used letter is "e", followed by "s". In Spanish, the most commonly used letter is "e", followed by "a".