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Q: What is the most suitable food for a healthy weight loss?
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What is an exercise program that will make weight loss healthy?

There are plenty of exercise programs that will make weight loss healthy especially weightwatchers. Weightwatcher use food products and exercise to lose weight. Eating a healthy diet can be an exercise program.

Where can I find more information on weight loss before ?

You can consult your physician for healthy weight loss options. Since your doctor should know your body best he can recommend a plan suitable to your needs.

What food will help you lose weight fastest?

There is no such thing as a weight loss food. Just eat healthy and exercise, and you will soon see a difference.

Is the vegetarian weight loss diet a healthy diet?

yes, vegetarian weight loss diet is a healthy diet. but you also need to know what kind of food you should eat. check the below link to get information on that type of food which is help to weight loss.

What are the most highly recommended fat loss plans?

Most highly recommended weight loss programs are ones that allow you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Speaking to a physician would be very beneficial regarding finding a weight loss plan that is suitable to your needs.

Are there any actual healthy weight loss plans?

There are plenty of healthy weight loss plans out there. The safest ones are the ones that don't require you to give up too much food because if you work out, your body needs to rebuild.

Isthe Atkins diet a healthy weight loss plan?

A healthy weight loss plan is suitable for some if they continue to follow the program once they are on their own. The Atkins diet is one of these plans which some say isn't as healthy. I have not tried it nor can I verify this conclusion to it's being healthy for others. It does have participants who find it right for their goal to lose weight. Others find Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, etc. to be much better.

How good is apple for people who wants to lose weight?

Well apples are fairly healthy, but don't expect them to be a miracle weight loss food

Is medfast weight loss program healthy?

Medifast is a doctor supervised weight loss system. It is always healthy to lose weight and Medifast is a conservative way to do that.

Where can I go to get information on weight loss foods?

Check with your personal care physician first, than the public library where you will find a whole section on healthy food and weight loss. With research you will find tasty healthy meals to fit your budget and lifestyle

How can I help my husband to lose weight?

Be supportive with his weight loss plan. Go exercise with him and help him by having healthy food alternatives around the house.

Why is exercise good for weight loss?

It gets your blood flowing. With this, and eating healthy food, you will be lean in no time! I recommend Karate.