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Hair is not held in by muscles, but there are muscles that an erect a hair called the "arrector pili muscle".

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Q: What is the muscle that hold hair called?
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Can you make the hairs on your arm stand on end?

Standing hair is caused by the tiny muscle that connects the hair to the follicle. This muscle is called the arrector pili.

What part of the hair extends from the hair papilla to the body surface?

That part is called as hair root. There is very tiny muscle, attached to it.

What is the function of the hair erector muscle?

i assumed you are referring to the arrector pili muscle. usually when you are cold or scared, this muscle contracts, pulling the hair follicle in a upright position. the dents created are called goosebumps. it provides insulation and protects the hair

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Tendons hold muscle to bone.

What is the name of the muscle attached to the hair follicle?

The root of each hair follicle is connected to the small arrector pili muscles are small muscles attached to hair follicles in mammals. Each arrector pili muscle has a bundle of smooth muscle fibers which attach to the follicular units which have nerves.

Muscle associated with a hair follicle that cause the hair to stand on end when contracted is?

Piloerector Muscle

Is the neck the muscle that develops first in a child?

NO, the main neck muscle is called the sternocleidomastoid & doesn't get strong enuf for an infant to hold up their head until about 6months of age.

Muscle responsible for making hair stand on end?

Piloerector Muscle

Is hair superior to muscle?


What is the smooth muscle that causes your hair to stand up?

arrector pili muscle

What is arrector pilli muscle?

tiny muscle fibers attached to each hair follicle, which contract to make the hairs stand on end, causing goose bumps.

How much weight can one human hair hold?

a human hair can hold 110 grams