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Sternoclamastoid...... it has 3 connecting points the Mastoid process of your jaw, the clavicle, and the sternum.... hence the name. I am not positive I spelled it correct but that is what that muscle is called.

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Q: What is the muscle that travels from the sternum to the lateral side of the head?
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Which muscles flexes the head?

The name of the muscle is sternocleidomastoid. As the name suggests, the muscle arise from the sternum and clavicle to reach the mastoid process. You have two muscles, one muscle on each side.

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Triceps Brachii Muscle is Latin for "three -headed arm muscle." It is the muscle in the back of the upper arm responsible for the extension of the elbow joint. It is composed of three main muscle bundles: the long head, the lateral head and the medial head.

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Triceps muscle has got medial head, lateral head and long head. Long head has got the origin from the infraglenoid tubercle. That means, when you contract the triceps muscle, long head gets support from the scapula bone. That gives additional support for the muscle to do the the action of extension on the elbow joint.

What is sternocleidomastiod?

its a big muscle that goes from the top of your sternum (chest bone) to the mastoid process (the bone behind your ear) you use it to turn your head left and right.

Does the sternomastoid muscle muscle control head movement?

The stenrocleidomastoid muscle bilaterally does neck extension, while unilaterally, they laterally flex the Neck to the same side of the muscle contracting, and rotates th neck to the contra lateral side. So if you rotate to the left, the right sternocleidomastoid muscle is working. The right stenrocleidomastoid will also cause right lateral flexion( side bending)

Is the head of the humerus laterally concave or convex?

The head of the humerus is laterally and medially convex. The medial convexity fits into the glenoid fossa, and the lateral convexity, the lesser tuberosity, provides a site for muscle attachment.

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The lateral line is on the side of the shark

What is the function of the sternocleidomastiod muscle?

The sternocleidomastoid muscle, also known as sternomastoid and comonly abbreviated as SCM, is a paired muscle in the superficial layers of the anterior portion of the neck. It acts to flex and rotate the head.

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Is the sternocleidmastoid bone your collar bone?

The clavicle is referred to as the collar bone. The sternocleidomastoid is the muscle that starts at the mastoid process behind your ear and connects between your collar bone and sternum, giving you the ability to move your head up and down.

Provide the complete action of the Sternocleidomastoid SCM including single-sided and bilateral contraction?

STERNOCLEIDOMASTOIDEUS Attached to the sternum (Greek - chest), clavicle (Latin - little key) and mastoid (Greek - breast-shaped) bone. This muscle is a long strap muscle with two heads. It is sometimes injured at birth, and may be partly replaced by fibrous tissue that contracts t produce a torticollis (wry neck) Origin Sternal head: anterior surface of upper sternum Clavicular head: medial third of the clavicle Insertion Mastoid process of the temporal bone (bony promenance just behind the ear) Action Contraction of both sides together (bilateral contraction): flexes neck (draws head forward). Raises sternum, and consequently the ribs, during deep inhalation. Contraction of one side (single-sided contraction): tilts the head towards the same side. Rotates head to face the oppsite side (and also upwards as it does so). Basic functional movement: Turning head to look over your shoulder. Raising head from pillow. Sports that heavily utilise this muscle: Swimminh, rugby scrummage, American football. Movements or injuries that may damage this muscle: Extreme whiplash movements Headache and neck pain are common problems when this muscle is chronically tight/shortened

What is abductor muscle?

Abductor muscles are the muscles which cause abduction. prime example being lateral head of the shoulder abducts your arms to the side of your body. similarly you have the muscles in your lower body which abducts your legs to the sides.