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They are caused by a symbiotic bacteria which benefits the plant by fixing atmospheric nitrogen (which the plant needs to make proteins).

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Q: What is the mutualistic relationship between legumes and nodule bacteria?
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What element is present in all proteins distinguishing them from non-proteins?

Nitrogen. :) (All proteins must contain nitrogen. Legumes such as peas and beans are high in protein because they share a mutualistic relationship with Rhizobium bacteria in the soil. The bacteria give the plant nitrogen in the form of nitrate ions in exchange for glucose from the root nodules.) -Izzie. (Hope this helped!!)

Where in the roots of the legumes does Nitrogen-fixing bacteria live?

The nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in the root nodules of legumes.

What is found in the roots of legumes?

Rhizopus bacteria is found in the roots of legumes

What type of bacteria is found in legumes?

Special class of bacteria called Rhizomes live on the roots of leguminus plants. They take free nitrate and nitrites from the environment and change to a form that can be readily used by plants. Relationship between nitrogen fixing bacteria and plants is called Symbiosis.

Root nodules are associations between bacteria and plant roots responsible for?

nitrogen fixation, like legumes

Where do nitrogen fixing bacteria that have a symbiotic relationship with legumes live?

Legume plants are notable for their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, thanks to a symbiotic relationship with certain bacteria known as rhizobia found in root nodules of these plants. The ability to form this symbiosis reduces fertilizer costs for farmers and gardeners who grow legumes, and allows legumes to be used in a crop rotation to replenish soil that has been depleted of nitrogen. The nitrogen fixation ability of legumes is enhanced by the availability of calcium in the soil and reduced by the presence of ample nitrogen. Root nodules. via Wikipedia

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in these structures found in the roots of legumes?

what is nitrogen fixing bacteria live in these structures found in the roots of legumes

Rhizobium bacteria obtain moisture from?


The bacteria that feeds on legumes to cause nitrification are?


What is converted into usable form by bacteria in the root nodules of legumes?

nitrogen-fixing bacteria

Where do most Nitrogen Fixation bacteria live?

Legumes have nirtifying bacteria in their roots, but mostly they are found in the soil.

What is a nitrogen-fixing bacteria which lives in the roots of legumes?
