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Nitrogen. :)

(All proteins must contain nitrogen. Legumes such as peas and beans are high in protein because they share a mutualistic relationship with Rhizobium bacteria in the soil. The bacteria give the plant nitrogen in the form of nitrate ions in exchange for glucose from the root nodules.)

-Izzie. (Hope this helped!!)

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Q: What element is present in all proteins distinguishing them from non-proteins?
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Which element is found in nucleic acids but not in proteins?

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What element is present in protein that was not present in carbohydrates?

Proteins contain nitrogen, which is not present in carbohydrates.

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Nitrogen is the element present in all proteins except carbohydrates and fats. Amino acids make up all proteins, and they contain the amino group NH2, except for carbohydrates and fats.?æ

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Nitrogen. Look at the structure of a peptide bond which connects each amino acid together. That is where the nitrogen is located

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The element "Oxygen".

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There is chemical grouping present in all proteins, as all proteins contain certain elements. These include hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon.