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the sphinx was created to ward off evil spirits while the spirit passed on to the other side it is said it was the guardian and protector of the innoncent it was destroyed by germans -------------------------- The Myth of the Sphinx is that he was guardian of a valley which a hero had to pass through on a quest; it was known to ask riddles and devour anyone who couldn't answer the question. This is a (very) old story and there are several versions of this tale in which the Sphinx has different aspects although the riddle always remains the same. The real world statue of the Sphinx near the Pyramids is often linked to the Egyptian god Anubis (guardian of the Underworld) so in some stories the hero is on a journey to bring a loved one back from the land of the dead although sometimes it is mere treasure or glory that he is looking for. The riddle goes along the lines of: "What walks on four legs in the morning, two during the day, and three at night?" The answer is man as it represents the three stages of human life. A baby crawls on all fours, an adult walks and an old man walks with a stick.

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It will ask you a riddle and if you get it wrong, you will get eaten by the Sphinx.

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What is wrong with Oedipus' answer to the Sphinx's riddle in the poem 'Myth'?

Oedipus' answer to the Sphinx's riddle in the poem 'Myth' is wrong because he incorrectly infers that the Sphinx's riddle relates to a man's stages of physical development rather than the concept of a progression of life--in this case, morning, afternoon, and night. This misinterpretation ultimately leads to Oedipus not solving the riddle and facing dire consequences.

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Yes the great Sphinx of Giza had a beard but it fell off and is now kept in a museum

How can the Sphinx guard the temples if it was just a statue of a creature in a myth?

The ancient Egyptians believed that the Sphinx would guard their emperors after their deaths. The statue represented the Sphinx, but the real Sphinx was, in fact, a spirit from the spirit world. People were very superstitious in those days: you see, they didn't have science to answer their questions, so they relied on religion to give them all the answers to everything.