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THey don't have a name for that but they do for people who can't eat gluten (wheat, rye, barley, molt). They are called Celiacs. Celiacs have Celiac Disease. It's more of an allergy. Ints a non catchable disease. I actually have it.

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Wheat allergy

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sesliac but call your docer just in case

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Q: What is the name for allergy to wheat?
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What is the allergy cauld when you are ellergic to wheat?

Well, if you are just allergic to wheat then it would be a wheat allergy. If you are allergic to gluten which does encompass wheat then you have a gluten allergy. You can also be wheat or gluten sensitive or you could have Celiac disease. Definately best to check with your doctor.

Can you eat wheat bread if you have a gluten allergy?


What is a gulten allergy?

An allery to the protein 'gluten' which is found in cerials such as wheat. A person with this sort of allergy is caled a 'celliac'.

Is a corn allergy the same as a gluten allergy?

A person with gluten allergy may have corn and vice versa. Gluten is a protein found in wheat typically. One allergy doesnt preclude the other.

Is eczema and wheat allergy linked?

Not eczema itself, but a gluten allergy can manifest itself in a rash. Research dermatitis herpetiformis.

What is a description of glutin free?

Its an allergy to wheat,barlly,ri and oats.

Why do you feel clammy and break out in a light sweat after eating a breakfast like pancakes or cream of wheat?

Do you have any gastric symptoms? You may have a wheat allergy or wheat sensitivity.

What race is most affect by wheat allergy?

White/Caucasians Soy is common to Hispanics

What could be the cause of a child constantly having a runny nose?

It could be because the child has an allergy to something in or around the house. my husband had a constantly running nose as a child and it was found to be an allergy to wheat (his mother fed him cream of wheat every am)

What are some foods one must avoid if one has a wheat allergy?

There are a few foods one should look to avoid if they have a wheat allergy. They should avoid bread, cakes, cereals, muffins, pasta, salad dressings and candy bars.

Is new castle beer wheat free?

I think so. I have a wheat and gluten allergy. If I drink any other beer, it causes me to puff up.

What effect does wheat gluten have on cats?

Most cats cannot tolerate wheat gluten in their diets. They will develop an allergy to it, just like some humans.