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It's called an IP address. Every device (PC, Tablet, etc.) that is connected to the internet has one.

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Q: What is the name for each address on the Internet that identifies a unique network and host in the IP protocol?
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What type of address does the IP protocol use to identify a unique network and name?

An IP Address, or Internet Protocol Address. Each device has one.

What is an ip adresse?

IP address is the internet protocol address . IP address is a address that uniquely identifies a system on a network ,it is just like enrolment number of an employee or student that uniquely identifies them among other employees or students.

What is the ip address and if your computer does not connected to internet then your computer have an ip address?

IP address is the internet protocol address which is unique for each system in the given network. IP address is like an unique id that uniquely identifies a system on a network. Yes even if you are not connected to internet, computer would still have an IP address.

What statement identifies the dns protocol?

It matches a resource name with the required network address.

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The protocol used to translate Internet address to Network address?


What IP address is a network address?

internet provider Its actually internet protocol. Every computer on the network has to have its own address, this address is called the IP address. Though since you asked what is IP. IP is just a protocol.

What is the difference between your IPv4 address and your IP address?

IP is the internet protocol that uniquely identifies a system on a network and there is no difference between IP and IPv4 infact IPv4 is a version of like IPv6.

What identifies a single computer from other computers in the internet?

an Internet Protocol address, or I.P. they generally look like this is different from a home network i.p, which will look like 192.168.2.x

What identifies the IP address of the near side of a router?

CDP Cisco Discovery protocol identifies the IP addresss of neighbor router in a corporate network.

Why a PC requires an IP address and how the IP address can be obtained?

The IP address identifies a server in a network and to the internet in the IP protocol. (IP means Internet Protocol) Many important communication protocols rely on the IP protocol. You are reading this message from the internet, so your computer has an IP address. The IP address for your home computer is assigned by your ISP (your service provider). It is usually dynamically assigned when your modem connects to the network. To view your IP address on a windows server, get a command window (Start > run > type "cmd") and type the command "ipconfig".

Define an IP address?

An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.