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Q: What is the name of Aquarius constellation in Latin?
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What is the name Aquarius constellation in G reek?

Aquarius is called Ydrochóos in Greek.

What is the name Aquarius mean?

The name Aquarius is derived from the Latin word for water bearer. In astrology, Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac and is associated with qualities like independence, innovation, and humanitarianism.

What constellation has a name that means the water bearer?


What is the constellation north of Aquarius?

Pegasus is north of the constellation Aquarius.

How did constellation Aquarius get its name Aquarius?

The constellation Aquarius takes its name from the Latin name meaning water bearer. Having roots leading back to ancient Babylon, the constellation Aquarius has always been associated with a vase overflowing with water. In Babylon this was the representation of the god Ea. This filtered down into Greek mythology and is most commonly associated in modern times with the Greek youth Ganymede who was the water boy of the gods.

What is a sentence for Aquarius?

Aquarius is a constellation of stars.

What is the biggest star in the Aquarius constellation?

The brightest star in Aquarius is Beta Aquarii with an apparent magnitude of 2.91. Its common name is Sadalsuud.

What is the location of the star called Aquarius?

Aquarius is a constellation not a star.

What is the dimmest star in the constellation Aquarius?

dimmest stars in aquarius

What is the Aquarius constellation?


How big is the constellation Aquarius?

Aquarius is the 10th largest constellation in the sky, occupying an area of 980 square degrees.

What are the main stars in the Aquarius constellation?

There is only one main star and the name of it is Sadalmelik.