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Q: What is the name of a highly flammable liquid obtained by the distillation of alcohol with sulfuric acid used mainly as an anesthetic or solvent?
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A substance commonly used in cars obtained by distillation?

The water in the battery is a mix of 65% distilled water & 35% sulfuric acid.

Is concentrated sulfuric acid flammable?

is concentrated sulphuric acid toxic

Can you get sodium chloride from from sulfuric acid why?

Sodium chloride cannot be obtained from sulfuric acid.

At what temperature is battery acid flammable?

Although sulfuric acid (Battery Acid) is non-flammable, contact with metals in the event of a spillage can lead to the liberation of hydrogen gas. The dispersal of acid aerosols and gaseous sulfur dioxide is an additional hazard of fires involving sulfuric acid. It is flammable at any temperature.

Is sulfur flammable?

Yes, it is flammable, but actually melts at 300 degrees Celsius.

What happens when magnesium reacts with dilued sulfuric acid?

Magnesium sulfate is obtained.

How many moles of H2SO4 are produced from 13 moles of H2O?

Sulfuric acid is not obtained from water.

What happens when sulfuric acid is poured onto limestone?

A reaction occur, calcium sulfate is obtained.

What dissolves in dilute sulfuric acid producing a conducting solution and a flammable gas?

my guess would be silver... flammable gas would be the pure oxygen released during the chemical reaction. Dilute H2SO4 will react with most metals and usually by a single displacement that causes the release of hydrogen gas (flammable). Iron is a good expamle as well, zinc, aluminum, magnesium. Silver will react with concentrated sulfuric acid but maybe not dillute (depends on concentration), also you will get SO2 which is not flammable like Hydrogen gas.

Is burts bees chapstick petroleum based?

No it's made of krysenogen and sulfuric acid. Highly flammable. Don't wear it near a bonfire.

When sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide combine with water in the atmosphere form what?

Sulfuric acid and nitric acid are obtained.

What kind of gas comes out of and automotive battery?

Sulfuric acid fumes, also known as Hydrogen Sulfate. It is odorless, flammable, and tasteless but extremely harmful to humans.