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It is most widely considered to be the "Stork" or more precisely the "White Stork" or Ciconia ciconia. It is a large wading bird in the stork family Ciconiidae, and is commonly found breeding in the warmer portions of Europe, Northwest Africa, and Southeast Asia. Whats interesting is the white stork is not found in the United States, which brings reason to believe that the "Stork" mythology carried over from the British colonies. Although the actual foundation of the myth is unknown to many.

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In legend, the stork.

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Q: What is the name of a large bird said to bring new born babies?
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What is a large bird said to bring new born babies?


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When babies are born they cry and scream

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Yes. From when they are born, babies wear them. Many maternity hospitals request that mothers bring some in with them, along with other things a new born baby needs.

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Most Babies Are Born In Indonesia

Where do babies pop out?

This is true! In some cases, When a babies head is too large to birth, You go into sea section meaning your stomach is opened and the baby is manually taken out by a docter.

Whats the most common mammal?

i suppose in the UK it is a rat - urgh! but otherwise its a thing that has babies but not in an egg, like a bird is not a mammal because its babies are born in eggs mut sheep or horses etc. there mammals because they don't lay eggs.