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Cheyanne Tremblay

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Q: What is the name of a small depression created by the melting of a chunk of ice in glacial sediment?
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Related questions

What is an upward rebounding of a coastline due to the melting of glacial ice called?

Glacial isostasy.

What landforms does glacial erosion create?

Two major erosional processes occur at the base of a glacier. First, at the base of a glacier, large amounts of loose rock and sediment are incorporated into the moving glacial ice by partial melting and refreezing. The second process of erosion involves the abrasive action of the held rock and sediment held by the ice on the surface underneath the glacier. This abrasive process is known as scouring.

What is a glacial outwash?

Glacial PlainA l outwash plain is a stratified deposit of sand and gravel transported by water from a melting glacial ice sheet.

What are some causes and effects of glacial melting?

Cause: Global Warming Effect: Glacier Melting

What are the Reasons for seasonal flooding in Bangladesh?

Glacial and snow melting.

Glacial water is what?

Glacial melt water is an expression sometimes used to name the water that results from the melting of a glacier. In some warmer weather conditions, a bit of melting can occur with the water slipping down through the glacier to run along the ground underneath.

Glacial runoff and what else provides water to the large rivers of India?

Runoff from rain and runoff from melting snow (which is NOT the same as glacial runoff).

Glacial runoff and provide the water for the large rivers of India?

melting snow

Glacial runoff and provide the water for the large rivers of India.?

melting snow

How is glacial melting affecting penguins in the Arctic Circle?

Not at all. There are no penguins in the Arctic.

What are the reasons for the melting of glacial ice and why the sea level rises?

Global warming (caused by our burning of fossil fuels) is expanding the ocean water and melting glacial ice. Thie melted ice also adds to the sea level rise.

What do the melting point and freezing point of glacial acetic acid have in common?

These words are synonyms here.