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There are a number of species of snake who's venom is hemotoxic. Many of the pit-vipers employ this type of venom to subdue their prey. The Mojave Rattlesnake and Russell's Viper are two examples.

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Q: What is the name of a snake that once it has bitten causes the blood to become gelatinous in the bite area or is their even such a thing?
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So wrong the secret to the vampires is to always not be known to outsiders and is never to become known to anyone the Dracula myth is not real we follow our own path to becoming powerful. Another Answer: no, if you are bitten by a vampire you do not become one, it is actually the exchanging of blood, the vampire bites you then you drink some of the vampires blood, thts how you become a vampire

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To become a vampire, have one bite you. Then drink its blood. The only researched way to become a vampire is to become bitten by one. However with vampires being fictional creatures (so far), this is unlikely to happen even if you were bitten by someone (This would most likely result in you requiring a rabies jab and no vampiric powers).

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If they were real i supose that you would be just fine. From what i have read, you have to be bitten to become one!! There are many different concepts of what vampirism would be like and how it would work; in the novels of Anne Rice, for example, it is necessary both to be bitten by a vampire and also to drink the blood of the vampire who bit you, in order for you to become a vampire yourself.

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Can you become a vampire without being bitten?

In folklore and mythology, becoming a vampire typically involves being bitten or attacked by a vampire. Other traditions may include rituals or curses that can turn someone into a vampire without being bitten.

How do you i become vampire?

You need to get bitten by a vampire but manage to stay alive. Then you slowly turn into one and you start to have the hunger for blood and turn pale and become sensitive to the Sun etc. Then eventually, you just live your life as a vampire, feeding on people's blood.

How do I become vampire?

You need to get bitten by a vampire but manage to stay alive. Then you slowly turn into one and you start to have the hunger for blood and turn pale and become sensitive to the Sun etc. Then eventually, you just live your life as a vampire, feeding on people's blood.