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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 4d ago

Barley straw in German is called "Gerstenstroh."

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Q: What is the name of barley straw in German?
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What is the German word for barley?


What is the German word for stroh?

the german word for stroh is straw

A type of straw that animals lie down on?

Straw is the stemmy material that comes primarily from ceral crops that is discarded out of the harvester combine as chaff. Straw can be from barley, oats, wheat, rye, and triticale.

Is straw renewable?

Straw is a renewable resource. It is made from the stalks of grain crops such as wheat, rice, and barley, which can be grown and harvested annually. As long as sustainable farming practices are followed, straw can be continuously produced and used.

How did Barley get its name?

Barley got its name fro the Barley sugar that was often made into small spiral sticks.

What is the kannada name for barley?

barley = ಜವೆಗೋಧಿ (javegOdhi)

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Nicole Barley's birth name is Nicole Treuter.

What is the difference between straw and hay?

Hay is dried grass or legumes (like alfalfa). Straw is the dried stalks of harvested cereals, such as wheat, barley, and oats.

What is the name of the stiff bristle on barley?

Barley bristle is called Awn.

What is Barley straw?

Ask around. You may find some producers or farmers that have been harvesting barley that may have some for sale for you, or who may know a neighbour, friend or relative (and which may know people as well, and so on and so forth) who may be able to sell some to you. You can also find advertisements in local town/county classifieds, local or regional ag newspapers (like the Western Producer for most folks in Western Canada), online classifieds like Craigslist, Kijiji or even eBay, or even some farming websites will have classifieds for you to browse through.North Dakota, Idaho, Washington and Montana are the top four barley-growing states of the US. Alberta and Saskatchewan (of Canada) are the major barley-producing provinces. You are very likely to run into some farmers that may be willing to sell you some barley straw if you look into these states and provinces.

What is the name given to a straw-filled mattress?

Paillasse (from the french word 'paille', straw).