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Q: What is the name of smallest enzyme present in the human body?
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What organ in the human body has the smallest bones?

The smallest bone in the human body is the stapes (or stirrup) in the ear.

What is the smallest part of a human body?

the human cell

The three smallest bones in the human body are?

The malleus, the incus, and the stapes are the three smallest bones in the human body and they are all in the ear.

What is the smallest part in the human body?

your ear is your smallest part on your body and your sternam (breast bone).

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What is a small part of the human body?

The smallest parts of the human body are contained in the cells.

Where is the smallest bone in the the human body?

In the ear.

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the middle ear is the smallest bone in the body

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in the Ileum of the small intestine

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The smallest blood vessels in the body are called capillaries.