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First, you are thinking of George Soros, and while some people on the conservative side like to speak badly about him, Mr. Soros is a philanthropist who has donated to many good causes all over the world. He's not Greek, by the way. He is a Hungarian-American who survived the Holocaust.

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Q: What is the name of the Greek multimillonaire who backed Obama is it Georgi Soto?
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How is Obama like the Greek president?

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What does Obama mean in Greek?

Obama is not Greek or Hebrew. It is African. You must be looking up the meaning of Barack Hussein Obama's names. His names Barack and Hussein are Arabic. Obama is an African name. He has a white mother from Kansas (related to Dick Cheney), and his father Hussein Onyago Obama, was a Muslim with multiple wives with close ties to the corrupt Kenyatta regime which the UN condemned for human rights violations.

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Please cite your source.

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You can't, because he is not Greek, nor is he of Greek descent. The president's mother was from Kansas, in the Midwestern United States; his father was from Kenya (in Africa). Mr. Obama does have some interesting ancestors on his mother's side, including several who are Irish. But he is not Greek as far as any reliable research has ever shown.

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Barack Obama lapel pins can be purchased from a variety of online retailers, such as Amazon, eBay, or specialized political merchandise websites. They may also be available at physical stores that sell political memorabilia or at events where Obama merchandise is sold.

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Is Barack Obama of Greek Descent either through his mother or his father?

Yes he is, and the Mormon prophecy shall take place :P

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Is Barack Obama a member of any black Greek organizations?

No, President Obama does not seem to have joined one. There have been various rumors online, but no evidence to support them. He has been named an honorary member of several fraternal organizations, but there's not much proof that he joined a fraternity in college.

Who are the African American presidents?

obama, obama, obama and obama

What is the plot to witch and wizard?

Obama ,Obama ,Obama,Obama