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Zionism was (and is) the movement to establish and preserve a Jewish homeland.

It is worth noting that Zionism has existed since the 1890s when Theodor Herzl helped to put together his book Altneuland, which discusses the issue. In the early days of Zionism, a few Jews immigrated to what was then the Ottoman Empire, bought territory from the Turks and began to cultivate it along with the indigenous Palestinian Fellahin (farmers). They introduced new agricultural techniques (from Europe) and built infrastructure in the region. In the 1920s and the beginning of the British Mandate Period, Zionists began arriving more frequently and in greater numbers. The Jews were creating the infrastructure for an actual state and dreamed that it would happen.

In 1947, the dream was realized when the UN voted to partition Palestine between the Jews and the Arabs. The Arabs immediately attacked the Jews and in the middle of the war, on May 14, 1948, the State of Israel declared its independence. Today, about half of the world's Jewry lives in Israel. Most Jews living in and out of Israel are supporters of Israel and the Zionist ideology, although a small percent believe only divine intervention should bring about a Jewish state.

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Q: What is the name of the Jewish nationalist movement that pushed for creating the modern state of Israel in palestine after world war 2?
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What is the name of the Jewish nationalist movement that pushed for creating the modern state of israel in palestine after world war ll?

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