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there is 2 names for it,the great glass elevator and the wonkavator

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Q: What is the name of the boat on Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory?
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What did Verruca salt want in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?

She wanted an Oompa Loompa,Willy's boat,A goose that laid golden eggs,A bean feast,a party,trained baboons,braids in her hair,she ultimately wanted everything as she sang in her song "Don't care how,I want it now"

Why Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka forget he already talked about the chocolate river on the boat ride?

he didn't forget he was just reading the script-snoady

What is the scary thing in the original Willy Wonka?

The psychedelic boat trip into the tunnel, (some say).

What was the point of that boat ride in Willy Wonka?

The point was to experience the boat in the book and the film, i still don't understand why mike TVs one wasnt in the boat but yeah

What animal is the boat in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

A sea horse

Is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory based on a acid trip?

The movie Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory came out in 1971. The late 1960s to early 1970s was the height of the psychedelic era, when a LOT of people were doing acid, magic mushrooms, peyote, and other hallucinogens. Some parts of the film -- especially the boat ride -- do have a noticeable psychedelic feel to them.However, the novel that the movie was based on (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) was first published in 1964, when the psychedelic era was just getting started. Its author, Roald Dahl, was not a drug user (that I am aware of, anyway). I haven't read the book since I was a kid, but I do not remember the book having any kind of psychedelic flavor to it.In short, the psychedelic undertones are an aspect of the movie...not the book. So, no, the book was not based on an acid trip. That was merely a creative license taken by the moviemakers.

What is the boat in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory made out of?

The chocolate river, and oompa-loompas paddling it (depending on which movie you refer to).

What are the songs in Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory?

In the movie, the songs are: 1) Candy Man 2) Cheer Up Charlie 3) Golden Ticket 4) Pure Imagination 5) Oompa Loompa Songs (various) There's a musical version, including the following: 1) Pure Imagination 2) Candy Man 3) Think Positive 4) Cheer Up, Charlie 5) Golden Ticket 6) At The Gates 7) In This Room Here 8) Chew It 9) I See It All On TV 10) I Eat More 11) Oompa Loompas 12) Flying 13) Burping Song 14) I Want It Now 15) Finale

What is free willy 3 about?

it is about Jesse going on a boat trip and he saved willy because a fishermans boat tried to catch Willy and jesse wouldnt allow them to catch him

How do you get to Cambodia in hobowars?

Canbodia is accessible after you get a crew for you Wonka the Hoburbia docks.

When did Mickey Mouse debute in steam boat willy?

1928 .

What year did steam boat willy come out?

November 18,1928