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Q: What is the name of the god who weighs an Egyptian soul's heart in the Afterlife?
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Who devours evil souls if they do not pass the heart weighing ceremony?

In Egyptian mythology, Ammit devours the hearts of evil souls who fail the heart weighing ceremony in the afterlife. Ammit is a part-lion, part-hippopotamus, and part-crocodile creature who is known as the "Devourer of the Dead."

Who was the Ancient Egyptian god of the underworld that each soul must passed judgement by?

ANUBIS was the Ancient Egyptian God of the Dead who judged the souls of the deceased to determine where they would go in the afterlife

Why was the weighting of the heart so important in ancient Egyptian time?

At the weighing of the heart ceremony, a dead persons heart would be weighed against the feather of truth. If your heart was heavier, you could go onto the after life. If you heart was lighter than the feather, a beast would devour your soul.

In Egyptian mythology what was the Hall of Two Truths?

Duat, the court of the dead where souls were judged by a series of gods and goddesses it is called the "hall of two truths" because if you have a heart heavier then a feather, it gets fed to a monster and you don't get a after life. If its lighter than a feather you get a afterlife and all the stuff in your tomb if your a king-queen-Pharaoh.

What do mummies take to the afterlife?

they dont take anything with them but there precious little souls.

What was the afterlife like according to Ancient Egyptians?

Their concept of an afterlife was linked with a desire to stay in touch with the physical world. They believed that their bodies would be used throughout eternity and would be reinvigorated with life.

Is Darren Shan a atheist?

He has no organised religion but he believes in an afterlife, and what he calls a 'Lake of Souls'.

What did Anubis do in the burial process?

Anubis was the god of the afterlife. He was resposable for dictating the fate of all the souls.

How is Anubis worshiped?

In the ancient Egyptian religion, Anubis was the god of death and embalming which meant his responsibility was sending souls to the afterlife after mummification. So as a result he was a very important god in their religion.

Which Egyptian god was responsible for judging souls after death?

It was Osiris. He judged them by weighing their hearts.

Who is the Egyptian god aken?

Aken was a god of the ferryboat that carries the souls of the dead to the underworld.

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