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Q: What is the name of the pigment-containing organelles in autotrophs plants that collect light energy?
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What is the only cell organelles that is capable of converting light energy into chemical energy?

Chloroplast is the only cell organelle capable of photosynthesis. This process give the plants the status of autotrophs.

How do autotrophs obtain energy and how do heterotrophs obtain energy?

Heterotrophs obtain energy from foods they consume, and Autotrophs obtain energy by the sun light

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Process by which autotrophs trap energy from sunlight?

The process by which autotrophs trap energy from sunlight is called photosynthesis. This is possible because of the chloroplasts inside an autotrophs cells.

How do autotrophs obtain energy?

Autotrophs obtain energy by the sun, or chemicals in sunless environments, and Heterotrophs obtain energy by the foods they consume

Which process is directly used by autotrophs to store energy in glucose?

Photosynthesis is used by autotrophs to store energy in glucose.

How do autotrophs and heterotrophs differ in way they obtain energy?

Heterotrophs obtain energy from foods they consume, and Autotrophs obtain energy by the sun light

How do heterotrophs and autotrophs differ in the way they obtain energy?

Heterotrophs obtain energy from foods they consume, and Autotrophs obtain energy by the sun light

Which organism can convert light energy into chemical energy?

Plants photosynthesize. There are some non-plant species who've photosynthetic organelles within their cells, likely to have originated by the endocytosis of photosynthetic microorganisms (similar to the origin of mitochondria).Autotrophs

Where do autotrophs get energy to produce?
