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Q: What are organisms that derive their chemical energy from the process of chemosynthesis?
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Organisms that derive their chemical energy either from the process of chemosynthesis or photosynthesis are classified as?


What are two methods producers use to get energy?

Producers obtain energy through photosynthesis, where they convert sunlight into chemical energy. They can also derive energy from chemosynthesis by utilizing chemical reactions with inorganic compounds.

Why can't fish be a producer in a food chain?

Fish cannot be producers because they do not derive their energy from photo- or chemosynthesis.

What type of organism is the basis of the food chain?

So-called 'primary producers', organisms that produce biomass from simple chemical compounds and an external energy source. Plants are primary producers: they produce plant biomass from CO2 and water, using the sunlight as a source of energy. In the ocean, phytoplankton is responsible for most of the primary production. Some organisms use energy sources other than light to produce biomass. Some bacteria, for instance, derive their energy from the oxidation of inorganic chemical compounds (e.g. H2S). In the deep sea, whole communities are supported by this kind of chemosynthesis.

Photosynthetic organisms derive their carbon from?

carbon dioxide foo ! (:

Organisms designated producers usually obtain their energy from what?

The vast majority of organisms that are designated as producers (generally plants) derive their energy from the sun through photosynthesis. Some exceptions to this are called extremophiles, which gain energy through chemosynthesis (such as bacteria around deep ocean vents).

Why are humans free living organisms?

Humans are not free-living organisms as they parasitically derive nutrition from the suffering of others.

What are organisms which depend on other organisms for their existence?

Heterotrophs. These organisms derive their food from autotrophs,that is, the plants. They include- Carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, scavengers, decomposers.

Organisms that derive their energy from sunlight are referred to as?

Actually they are not autotrophs,they are phototrophs.Autotrophs are organisms who use CO2 as Carbon sourse.

What are the 2 uses of organic molecules in all organisms?

Organic molecules form the structure of all living organisms and derive energy from the organism's environment.

What functions in an Organism can be explained by the priniples of chemistry?

There is a certain hierarchy in science. The most basic description of how the universe functions is found in the field of physics. From the principles of physics, derive the principles of chemistry. From the principles of chemistry, derive the principles of biology. And from the principles of biology, derive all the functions of an organism.

Organisms are classified as heterotrophs if they derive their metabolic energy from?

Organic compounds produced outside themselves.