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The power that us given the states is call your mom

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the power was separation of powers which gives each branch equal powers of the law.

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Q: What is the name of the power that the constitution gives the government?
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What is the name for the powers the Constitution gives the state government and forbid the national government from using?

"reserved powers".

What is the name of the powers that the constitution gives the state government and forbids the nationals government from using?

Reserved powers

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elastic clause article 1 sec 8 allows the government flexibility to whatever problem arises

Is Jesus Christ name in the constitution?

No, Jesus Christ is not named in the US Constitution. The Government of the United States is secular. It derives its power from the consent of man. It is a Government with which God has nothing whatever to do.

Do the Federalists support the constitution?

yes. the federalists got their name from their support for the federal system of government (division of power between a central government and the state governments) as outlined in the constitution. the anti-federalists opposed the ratification of the constitution.

What is the name of the document that lays out the plan for your government and gives us the citizens your rights?

It is either the Articles of Confederation or the Virginia Plan, which states the three branches of government.

What is the name of the system that gives all three branches of the government the power to check one another?

checks and balances

What is the main idea of the constitution?

Our Fore Fathers of The United States (name from The Constitution) decided a revolution to be in place.The Constitution deploys amendments (one recommending no one big power between forces such as the government) to have power over one another. (Three Branches Judicial, Legislative, and Executive are equally divided.

What was the name of the government before the US Constitution?

continental congress

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The name for a government that exerts restricted power over the population is a limited government.

What is the name of the written plan that provides the rules for government?

A constitution is a set of written rules that sets down a plan on how to operate a government.

What was the Name of the form of government the framers of the American constitution agreed to create?

The form of government the framers of the Constitution agreed to create republic