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Normally called transmutation. This was what the old alchemists were trying to achieve, but they didn't know about nuclear reactions.

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I think you are looking for nuclear decay, or atomic decay as your answer.

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Q: What is the name of the process in which the nucleus of an atom of one element is changed in to the nucleus of an atom of a different element?
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The process in which a new lighter element is created by the release of an alpha ray particle from an atomic nucleus is called alpha decay of the original nucleus.

In which process is an element of matter changed into a completely different element?

It's called transmutation. There are two types of transmutation. Natural transmutation is when an element naturally changes into another element. Artificial transmutation is when an element is forced to change into another element, usually done in a laboratory setting.

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The process by which the nucleus of an atom changes so that a new element forms is called?


When an element's nucleus changes to that of a new element the process is called what?

"Transmutation" is the general term; this could also be called "nuclear reaction."

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Fusion is not a chemical, it is a process. Fusion is the process by which atomic nuclei merge together to form the nucleus of a heavier element.

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Mendelevium is a metallic radioactive element that is not found in nature; it therefore has to be synthesised. For example, it can be synthesised by bombarding einsteinium with alpha particles.Fermium, another metallic radioactive element - also not found in nature, has been produced by the radioactive decays of cyclotron-synthesised mendelevium.Note that radioactive decay is not a chemical phenomenon. Decay is the spontaneous process by which an atomic nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting ionizing particles or radiation. A decay results when an atom with one type of nucleus, called the parent radionuclide, transforms to an atom with a nucleus in a different state, or to a different nucleus containing different numbers of protons and neutrons. Either of these products is called the daughter nuclide. In some decays the parent and daughter are two different chemical elements, the decay process resulting in the creation of the new element (as with mendelevium decaying to fermium).Mendelevium is a chemical element. An element is a pure substance consisting of only one type of atom distinguished by its unique atomic number - the number of protons in its atomic nucleus.A chemical element is, thus, a substance that cannot be broken down or changed into another substance using chemical means.By definition:Mendelevium is a single and unique substance (an element) so, irrespective of its instability, noother chemical substance could be found in it..

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What is the process by which the nucleus of an atom changes so that a new element is formed?

Most likely this is some sort of radioactive decay.

How is a stable nucleus different to an unstable nucleus?

A stable nucleus is one which will not decay, whereas an unstable nucleus will decay at some point, which cannot be predicted as decay is a random process, by alpha or beta decay.

How does the process of mitosis different from binary fission?

Mitosis involves copying the cell's nucleus. Novanet :)

What happens when an atom emits?

It is actually the nucleus of the atom that emits energy. The energy we can harness comes from fission or splitting of the nucleus of uranium235 or plutonium239. The nucleus splits into two parts which recoil and give up their kinetic energy as heat when they are stopped in the fuel, and there is also some energy from gamma rays at the same time. Basically in the process the final results of the fission have lost mass, and this appears as energy following the relation E = M x C2. Atoms can also emit energy as radioactivity, without fissioning. This can be alpha, beta, or gamma radiation. Alpha and beta are particles, so that the resulting nucleus is changed and there results a different element. Gamma is a penetrating ray in the electromagnetic spectrum and corresponds to a change in the energy state of the nucleus, but it remains the same element.