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Q: What is the name of the process occurring along the inner membrane of mitochondria?
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Where in the mitochondria does the ETC occur?

The electron transport chain (ETC) occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane. It is comprised of a series of protein complexes embedded in the membrane, through which electrons are passed along to generate ATP.

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Where does cellular respiration takes place?

Cellular respiration occurs in three main steps. The first step takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell. The last two steps take place in the mitochondria(or if cellular respiration is taking place inside of a plant then the last two steps would take place in the chloroplasts) of the cell. Specifically, the second step occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria and the last step occurs along the inner membrane of the mitochondria, or the cristae.

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In what organelle does the electron transport chain function?

The electron transport chain converts energy stored in hydrogen ions and various other substances formed in early cellular respiration to produce high energy ATP in mitochondria. Mitochondria contain both an inner and an outer membrane, and it is along the inner membrane that the actual reactions of the chain occur. Inside the inner membrane a surplus of hydrogen ions is created that produces a concentration gradient across the membrane to the intermembrane space. This gradient causes a force that pushes hydrogen ions out of the innermost matrix and into the intermembrane space. This exchange occurs through special proteins called ATP synthase that convert low energy ADP into high energy ATP whenever a hydrogen ion is sent through one. When all is said and done, the excess electrons and hydrogen are bonded to oxygen to form water molecules.

Which organelle produces ATP via electron transport system?

The electron transport chain (ETC) is conducted in the mitochondria. The four complexes of the ETC, along with the enzyme that produces ATP (known as Complex V, ATP synthase, or F0F1-ATPase), are located in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

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