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The Church of Satanism (Anton LeVay) practices what is known as Satanism. It is not the the Hollywood type of Satanism (Devil worship, sacrifice etc..) and all that other ridiculous Propaganda that is purported out there in the media.

It does recognize that humans are born alright at birth and not sinful beings. It embraces the idea that we are "our own Gods" in respect to the idea that we are in charge of our own life, we create our own destiny and make our own dreams. It is self-indulgent, focusing on the 'here and now' and not the ever after. It encourages the enjoyment of life, not the repression of it. Living in the moment, and being our own Gods.

To educate yourself and not follow propaganda, here is a site you may check out:

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Q: What is the name of the religion in which you see your self as god?
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