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Q: What is the name of the salty water that lies between Jordan and Israel?
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What salty body of water that borders Israel and Jordan?

The Dead Sea borders Israel and Jordan

In which country is the Dead Sea located?

The Dead Sea forms part of the Israel - Jordan border.

The dead sea is located between which two countries?

The Dead Sea is one of the bodies of water on the Earth. It is found between the country of Jordan and Israel.

What is the inland area of water between Jordan and israel called?

Dead Sea.

What body of water separates Israel and Jordan?

In the north, the border between Jordan and Israel or Jordan and the Israeli-Occupied West Bank is the Jordan River. However, the river ends at the Dead Sea. A far longer border in the desert between Jordan and Israel follows the Wadi Arabah from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqabah.

What water term starts with the letter j?

· Jordan River (Israel, Jordan)

What is lowest place in the world is a body of water that lies between the countries of Jordan and Israel?

It is called the Dead Sea.

What is the largest fresh water lake in Israel?

The most famous lake in Israel is the Kinneret or Sea of Galilee. The name Sea is misleading because it is landlocked (and freshwater.) The Dead Sea is also landlocked but is shared between Israel & Jordan There are many reservoirs but these are mainly man made.

Where does Israel get most of its water for irrigation?

The Jordan River

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What is the pH level of salty water?

The pH level of salty water is between 7.36 and 8.21.

Why is the sea of Jordan called the Dead Sea?

The Red Sea and the Dead Sea are two separate bodies of water. The Red Sea separates Africa from Asia. It is a large inlet of the Indian Ocean. The Dead Sea is a large saltwater lake bordering Israel, Jordan and the West Bank. It is made after the river Jordan flows from the Sea of Gallilae down the river and lands there. It gets it's name The Dead Sea because it is so salty nothing can live in it.